Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gratitude Journal

by Alyssa

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to write five things that I am thankful for each day. The idea of having a gratitude journal was actually recommended to me by one of my professors last semester, and I'm really glad I started doing this. It has been a wonderful reminder for me to stop and count my blessings every single day, even if I'm in a bad mood and don't feel like doing it.

I write my list each day in this pretty purple journal that my sister bought me. I love the quote on the front because it reminds me to remember each moment that I am thankful for! I write down anything that comes to mind when I think of what I'm thankful for - sometimes it's people in my life, sometimes it's just some silly little thing that made me smile that day. 

Even though I've only been doing this for a couple of months, it's already fun to look back and see what I was thankful for on certain days. I would highly encourage everyone to start something like this; it really helps remind you how much you have especially when you're having a bad day!

"Gratitude is the heart of contentment. I have never met a truly 
thankful, appreciative person who was not profoundly happy."
 -Neil Clark Warren

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow,this is a good idea (:
    Sometimes we have to remember to be grateful for all the small good things in life.
    your blog is great,I'm following!!
    Have a nice day (:
