Thursday, April 19, 2012

Book Review: Delirium

Spoiler Alert!!

They say the cure for love will make me happy and safe forever.
And I have always believed them. Until Now.
Now, everything has changed.
Now, I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second
than live a hundred years smothered by a lie.

       I am a huge fan of the book series The Hunger Games. I just finished reading through the trilogy for my fourth time. This being said, I love books that take place in a futuristic dystopian society.

       Delirium takes place approximately 63 years in the future. The government has diagnosed Love as a disease, and at the age of eighteen every Amerian has a procedure that eliminates all love and any feelings that go along with it. The story follows a girl named Lena as she nears her procedure. Here's the catch, there are people who resist the "cure" and live in the wilds outside of Portland (where Lena lives). It's quite obvious, but Lena meets a boy who has decided against the cure, and they fall in love. They then must find a way to esape the procedure and live together in the wilds.

      Delirium is like no other futuristic book I've read in that the author takes so much time describing the society and why the people believe love is a disease. The way she writes the story makes me think that if I were to live in this society, I would be just like the rest of the people who have been convinced by the government.

      This book had we screaming, laughing, and crying. (However, I tend to this with many books. Haha!) I absolutely adore this book! It is definitely one that you will pick up and not put back down until you are finished. I found myself wanting to be a part of each of the characters lives. The only thing that frustrated me was the last three pages of the book. Biggest cliff hanger I have ever read!! I guess that just means I will have to go purchase the sequel next time I am in the bookstore. I love Lauren Oliver and her other book Before I Fall. I very much recommend this book to everyone!

      If you have read Delirium before, let me know your thoughts about it in the comments below! And if you have any recommendations for me, let me know those as well!

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