Sunday, January 29, 2012

Triple Salted Caramel Cupcakes

by Alyssa

What do you get when you take a delicious cupcake with hints of brown sugar, fill it with rich caramel sauce, frost it with luscious caramel buttercream, and top it with a delicate and crunchy caramel disk? These little beauties. They were amazing.

I found this recipe two days ago and decided that it must be made promptly. After a long day of laying in the sun and working on homework (rough, I know) we headed over to my sister's apartment to bake these little treats.

Light brown sugar gives the cupcakes a nice flavor without being too sweet. The added components definitely contributed enough sweetness!

The caramel buttercream was pretty simple to make. Just watch the caramel on the stove very carefully and make sure that you let it cool enough before adding it to the rest of the frosting.

Here is me holding the finished's hard to see in this picture, but I am wearing a cupcake apron! I told you I love baking:)

The caramel rounds are actually very simple to make. You have to work quickly, though - the caramel hardens fast! The original recipe calls for large-crystal sugar to be added to the rounds, but we left that out since we didn't have any on hand. I think they turned out fine without it, but it would be a pretty addition.

A little tip for the caramel filling - don't add too much! A little spoonful is plenty. Simply cut out a little circle of cupcake, drizzle the filling in, and replace the cupcake piece.

Frost your cupcakes however you like. We piped on the frosting from a Ziploc bag with the corner snipped off! That always works great if you don't have a pastry bag or fancy tips on hand.

Here's an inside view of the final product. These were shared with friends and didn't last long! We would definitely make them again for a special occasion.

The recipe is from a fabulous food blog called Sprinkle Bakes. Here is the link:
Happy baking!

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